Beet Kvass
This is an amazing tonic any time, but especially for the pregnant mother! You're processing twice the volume of blood and this workhorse of an inexpensive "supplement" pretty much does it all. Full of probiotics from fermentation, minerals and electrolytes, and it detoxifies (cleanses) the blood!
2 large or 3 smaller organic beets*2 tablespoons salt (I like celtic; you just want unrefined sea salt)
Water (filtered—not chlorinated. I use a Berkey but well water should be fine)
1/4 cup whey (optional)
Put salt in a very clean 1/2 gallon mason jar, add a little water to shake and dissolve. Peel and chop beets into 1/2-3/4” cubes. Add beets (jar should be about 1/3 full of beets), then fill jar with water. Cover, tip a few times to combine altogether, then set on counter for about 3 days until the liquid is dark and the lid builds up pressure. If you open the lid, bubbles should rise from fermentation.
You may also add 1/4 cup whey from milk kefir, which can help it begin to ferment faster and make it a little more bubbly. Whey from yogurt will cause it to be a more thick and syrupy product, and not fizzy—I do not recommend it.
*if you get a “bunch” rather than a bag or loose, don’t forget to sauté the leaves with butter and onion and eat them! 🤤

Color deepens from pink on day 1, to red on day 2, and almost purple/not transparent on day 3.
A Word:
The name Adam אדם comes from adamah, which means “red earth”. Dam means blood/red. 🩸 It’s interesting to me that earth and the human body have about the same percentage of salt water.
If there was ever a substance that looked like blood and tasted like dirt (not to mention FULL of beneficial microbes just like the soil) I would probably call out beet kvass. Completely underrated, beets are some of the most inexpensive Good Things, and all that’s required for this “supplement” is water, salt and beets!
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