Pregnancy Recipes

 These pregnancy-specific recipes have been collected over the past 5 pregnancies and births. Some I've kept since 2011, some I have only used with my last pregnancy, but I know they are worth sharing! 

Beet Kvass

Pregnancy Tea Blend 

Herbal Oil

Protein Chocolate Pudding

Vanilla Protein Shake

Chocolate Protein Shake

Lactofermented Laboraid

Herbal Belly Butter

Morning Tonic

If you would like more guidance on nutrition, please reach out! I am very passionate about receiving true nourishment. You might also be interested in my other site, This Is A Good Thing!

Here are some words that I've received, which have guided my consumption especially during pregnancy. The Word is the Author of all food, all life--including my entire being (mind, body and spirit), and every being He has created within it, so I trust His Word as to what is to be my food: Nourish With Integrity
