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...and holiness

 The Scripture above describes the paradigm for birth that our deliverance is meant to be received through. Have you ever noticed reading Psalms, in all the distress, sickness and anxiety David experienced, it was always the Lord, and only the Lord, that he acknowledged as his help and deliverance?  If we are seeking deliverance in a way that looks exactly like the world around us, and is based on mere earthly principles and knowledge, are we set apart in any way? I listened to a podcast recently defining all of the different (controversial) terms that mothers and caregivers are tousling over. ( 2 Timothy 2:14 ) As believers, we are to be fully set apart from the ignorant quarrels of man. Faith, love and holiness are worth continuing on in, and require full attention enough! I realize that faith (trust) is something I ramble on a lot about here, but what about holiness?  As I listened to sisters define their desired birth as "holy", and the intentional act of bringing our...

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