Lets talk.


my 30th birthday, 2019
in a grove of live oaks
I'm Karyn, and if you are pregnant, or even considering your next birth, I'd love to have an opportunity to talk childbirth with you! I've been called radical, and I suppose every so often I get a glimpse of how crazy I probably seem for the various passions that have been cultivated in me over the last 10 years.

I'm choosing to join a growing community of women who are committing to offer an alternative to "educated, certified assistance". These are mothers. With the grit and the stripes and the beautiful humans brought from their bodies, nourished by their breasts, proving that Life is integral. With the confidence (faith) that personal experience renders, to affirm your worth, beauty and capacity for this work.

A down-to-earth, old fashioned type of traditional birthkeeper who is not there to teach you, fix you, press you, "assist" you...but to witness, to support, to pray, to silently wonder as you inspire us all with your strength and absolute raw glory, to proverbially wash your feet, to bring nourishment to you, to photograph beautiful moments (only if you ask), to believe and trust the holy, sacred fire that is going to transform you, and only you into the perfect mother for the child you carry.

I want to worship the Author and Protector of Life alongside you as you free birth--out from captivity and preconceived falsehoods.

I believe wholeheartedly that this is a thing the Lord is doing--to renew your strength and to remind you that He alone Delivers. And you are whole. The voices that say otherwise can begin to fade out as this community of women declare and celebrate over you, that you have everything you need.

Serving Richmond, VA and surrounding area


Medical disclaimer: I am not a medical provider. I do not offer medical advice, treatment, assessment, or testing. I currently hold no licenses or certificates relating to my work with women. If you are seeking medical care and authority, please look for a provider who better aligns with you.