To ultrasound or not...


To suppose that our gaining a window to the womb increases our control. 

To submit a vulnerable infant to high sound frequencies for the sake of our curiosity or fear.

To assume that, without our supervision, The Creator is untrustworthy to Create well.

To let fear lead us to make the invisible visible, to pretend that we know things that we do not, to obsess over a future that we cannot understand... is based upon a model that assumes Good Things come broken and in need of human hands and knowledge for "fixing".

How is this faith? Grasping for illusions of control?

In His order, why don't wombs have windows?

The Christian Tradition/Religion has masqueraded under the word "faith" with no regard to the confidence and peace with trust that such would actually manifest.

In the ancient Scriptures, Israel was called a whore for consulting images. If we are to call it what it is, we must confront this within ourselves.

The faith that The Word has worked out within me tells me we receive the portion that we trust Him for.

If we believe He is incompetent, we receive the burden of making sure things go okay by human means and tools.

If we receive His Word in faith, He is the Deliverer who takes personal care to provide and create goodness by His own Hand.

How do these images increase our peace, if we are continually planting seeds of unbelief?

I had ultrasounds with both of my first two children. They told me they have discussed between themselves that occasionally they hear a loud hum in their head, and have wondered if it was caused by the ultrasound. Of course, we cannot know, but have we considered that a wave that is used for breaking scar tissue might also affect tiny, soft bones, muscles, brains, ears and ligaments in a negative way?

Do we believe in a Father and Creator that loves us and does all things well? 

When we receive a paradigm from the unbelieving world that He needs our supervision, help and knowledge while He knits in the secret place, we challenge that authority and often this creates problems that would never have existed.

If we can't trust Him with the unknown and unseen now, where will this endurance be when in labor?
My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
knowing that the proving of your belief works endurance.
And let endurance have a perfect work, so that you be perfect and complete, lacking in naught.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of Elohim, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it shall be given to him.
But he should ask in belief, not doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
For that man should not think that he shall receive whatever from the Master –
he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
James 1:2-8

Deliverance is a process of faith. Faith is a product of putting in the wait. 

The quality of our deliverance depends on the authority in whom we trust for it.

I find these words from the ancient book of Sirach 2 quite fitting:

Think back to the ancient generations and consider this: has the Lord ever disappointed anyone who put his hope in him? Has the Lord ever abandoned anyone who held him in constant reverence? Has the Lord ever ignored anyone who prayed to him? The Lord is kind and merciful; he forgives our sins and keeps us safe in time of trouble. But those who lose their nerve are doomed—all those sinners who try to have it both ways! Doom is sure to come for those who lose their courage; they have no faith, and so they will have no protection. Doom is sure to come for those who lose their hope. What will they do when the Lord comes to judge them?
Those who fear the Lord do not disobey his commands; those who love him will live as he wants them to live. Those who fear and love the Lord will try to please him and devote themselves to the Torah. Those who fear the Lord are always ready to serve him. They humble themselves before him, and say:

"We place our destiny in the hands of the Lord, not in human hands, because his mercy is as great as his majesty."
